Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spy Camp News




1. What insects had you eat?

Only grasshopper.

2. When you start to eat insects?

At 22 years old.

3. Who tell you to eat them?

Her boss.

4. Why do you start to eat insects?

Because she was poor.


1. What insects had you eat?

Ants and cockroaches.

2. When you start to eat insects?

At 7 years old.

3. Who tell you to eat them?

Members of Maori.

4. Why do you start to eat insects?

Because they are tasty!

Campers Personal Feelings

Where are you from?

Rebecca: Virginia Beach, United States of America
Sarah: Washington DC, United States of America
Ross: County Galway, Ireland
Dennis: Arizona
Caroline: Texas
Kemi: Washington, DC

What is your favorite music band?

Rebecca: Beirut
Sarah: Aventura
Ross: Bob Marley
Dennis: The Beatles
Caroline: The Beatles
Kemi: Rage Against the Machine

Interviews with Caroline/Dennis

When did you start being the girlfriend of Dennis?

One year ago in a chat.

Is this an informal relashionship or it's a formal?


Is true that you are in a relationship with Dennis?


Caroline says that if they don't get married next year Caroline is going to brake up Dennis.

*    *    *

Are you thinking to marry her?

He don't know, this is a big questions.

Do you have any problem because Caroline eat insects?

No, he too.


For me at Tuesday evening, it will be very cold. You should wear a sweater!
And for me on Wednesday morning it will be hot but a little coldly. For the afternoon it will be hot. And in the morning it will be so cold.

Terror at Torreblanca!!!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

There is a feeling of happiness and fear at Colonias English Immersion Camp. A terrorist has found his (or her) way onto the grounds and is leaving clues all around. Some of the clues are his or her favorite color is purple. Also he or she has siblings.

Most people think the terrorist is Sarah but it could be Dennis. The Terrorist hasn't do anything yet. The terrorist would scare people, they wouldn't use weapons and we would find them in only one day. The 'Casino Night' would be when the terrorist attacks.